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Comment faire le Rabona Kick
Le Rabona est une compétence simple où un joueur frappe le ballon avec les jambes croisées afin de confondre les joueurs adverses, éviter de croiser le ballon avec son pied le plus faible ou simplement pour se montrer. C'est devenu...
How much time should you practice soccer each day?
Making sure you get enough practice is essential to progressing in the game. Effective individual training is important so that you are not spending hours practising each day with minimal progress; you want to see a return for your hours...
Exercices d'entraînement sans ballon
Comment améliorer sa condition physique sans ballon de football. Il est plus important que jamais que les footballeurs puissent maintenir et développer un niveau de forme physique qui peut les aider à maintenir une performance optimale pendant plus de 90...
How to do a Trivela Football Skill in FIVE Simple Steps.
A Trivela Football Skill is being able to shoot or pass the ball with the outside of your foot in order to create a swerving effect on the trajectory of the ball.
How to improve your distribution as a goalkeeper
Today, we dive into the goalkeeping world and focus on distribution as a goalkeeper. Improving a goalkeeper's distribution involves honing various skills, both technical and tactical. Here are some tips to enhance a goalkeeper's distribution: Technical skills  Footwork and Balance:...
What is Total Football?
Football, often referred to as the "beautiful game," has witnessed several tactical revolutions throughout its history. Among these, one strategy that left an indelible mark on the sport is "Total Football." Born in the Netherlands during the 1970s, Total Football...
How to make the most of the Football Flick Essentials Training Set
Are you ready to take your football skills to the next level? The Football Flick Essentials Training Set is your ultimate companion for refining your techniques, boosting agility, and enhancing all-around fitness.
Quel est le meilleur âge pour commencer l'entraînement de football ?
À un jeune âge, votre enfant peut montrer de l'enthousiasme pour le football à la maison, avec ses amis et dans le jardin. Mais quel est le bon âge pour leur permettre de passer au niveau supérieur et de commencer...