Warm-ups are vital before any football game. Many people are excited and confident before going into a game. However, warming up is vital not just to prevent injury but also to get yourself better prepared for the upcoming game! Today we will look at what warm up drills and games you and your team can indulge in.
Here are some effective warm-up drills and games to get players ready and energized before a soccer game. These drills focus on dynamic stretching, ball control, passing, and team coordination.
Warm-Up Drills (10–15 minutes)
Dynamic Stretching (5–7 minutes)
● Jogging with high knees, butt kicks, and side shuffles. The Urban essential octa speed rings are perfect when it comes to warm drills like this. You have the hoops to be able to do light shuffles and high knees. Another product that can help with warm-up drills such as this is the Essentials Multi Hurdles; It allows players to really train like a pro!
● Dynamic stretches like leg swings, arm circles, walking lunges, and hamstring kicks.
● Skipping or light sprints over 10–15 yards.
Dribbling and Ball Control (5 minutes)
● Cone Dribbling: Set up cones in a zigzag pattern and have players dribble through them at different speeds.
● Close Control Drill: Dribble the ball within a confined space, changing direction and pace. Football flick offers the perfect product to help close ball control.
● 1v1 Keep-Away: Pair players up and have them try to shield the ball from one another.

Passing Warm-Up (5 minutes)
● One-Touch Passing: Players form pairs and pass the ball with one touch over short distances.
● Triangle Passing: Three players form a triangle and pass the ball around while moving to adjust positioning.
● Long Passes: Practice longer passes with accuracy to teammates.
Warm-Up Games (10–15 minutes)
Rondo (Keep-Away Game)
● Players form a circle, and 1–2 players stand in the middle as defenders.
● The objective is to keep the ball away from the defenders using quick passes.
● Focus on quick decision-making, positioning, and ball control.
● Play a short-sided game (e.g., 5v5) on a smaller field. To make this more interesting, having nets make the game have more purpose. Flick offers the 4ft Urban Pop-up goals, which are very easy to transport from place to place and allow short-sided games to be more competitive!
● Focus on sharp passing, movement, and maintaining intensity.

Tag Games with a Ball
● Players dribble within a defined area while one or two players act as “taggers” to steal balls.
● If tagged, the player performs a task (e.g., 5 toe taps) before rejoining.
Shooting practise
● Players line up and take turns shooting from the edge of the box, aiming to hit the corners of the net. Flick has the perfect way to make sure trainers can develop even further! Top Bins is a customer favourite and really helps players know how accurately they are hitting the ball.
● Builds shooting accuracy and adds a fun, competitive element.
Numbered Passing Game
● Assign numbers to players. They must pass the ball in order of their numbers but can’t stand still.
● Encourages movement, communication, and awareness.
These warm-ups prepare the team both physically and mentally, while building camaraderie before the game starts!