Manchester City Academy players and friends of Football Flick become Premier League 2 Champions!
Earlier in the year we saw the Man City first team training with our latest PRO range. We also had the chance to see some of the Academy players (now Premier League 2 Champions) train with the new PRO Range.
Catching up with Football Flick Academy players.
Everyone at Football Flick would like to take the opportunity to congratulate all Manchester City Academy players on becoming Premier League 2 Champions. We are proud to see a number of original Football Flick Academy players develop into professional players at Manchester City and currently rank amongst some of the best up-and-coming talents in the country.
Earlier this year we had the chance to catch up with some of the Academy’s current top players and old friends of Football Flick. Back in 2016 Nico O’Reilly, Jadel Katongo and Shea Charles were part of our own Football Flick Academy, so it was great to show them how far we have progressed, hear how they are getting on and give them the opportunity to take on the PRO Skills Trainer…

The equipment in the new PRO range.
Football Flick has brought the pinnacle of football training to the next generation of players with the latest range, PRO. The new PRO range currently has 5 products in the line-up, so we took all items along for the Test Lab.

The new PRO Skills Trainer was certainly the item that attracted the most attention and engaged the players and coaches the most. The players loved how it allowed them to practice highly technical drills as well as have plenty of fun trying to outdo each other with the best top-bin volley of the day – needless to say the coaches also got involved in this challenge and the results weren’t as obvious as you’d expect.
The Academy coaches were most interested in finding new ways to integrate the PRO Skills Trainer into their sessions. They were highly impressed with the premium quality and versatility of the product, particularly the 7 angles of return which the front rebound net can be set to.
One valuable piece of feedback we got was from two under 13’s goalkeepers. They instantly set the PRO Skills Trainer rebound net to its highest setting and used it to practice their catching. Throughout the development of the product we’ve thought about using it in this way but to see this in an elite academy setting was fantastic.
The PRO Rebound Wall was a coach’s favourite, and it was used in many sessions. The feedback we got from the coaches was that whilst there are many other similar products on the market, the design and manufacture of our one was a real differentiator. The players loved the dual-sided functionality that allowed them to practice ground passes and higher returns when the rebounder is flipped over.
Our PRO Return Ball was primarily used by academy goalkeepers who used it to practice their goal kicks without having to run after the ball to bring it back to their position. It was also great to see the goalkeepers using the PRO Return Ball to practise their side volley kicks directly out of their hands. This technique requires a lot of practice, and it was great to see the equipment being used in this way, not just off the ground.
The PRO Aluminium Goals drew plenty of attention with their striking design and standout on the training pitch. Many coaches and players put them through their paces throughout the 2 days with the goals easily dealing with the thousands of shots being hit at them from various distances.
The full range was tried out using the new PRO 90 Football, our first match-grade football. Feedback from the players was very positive with many saying our ball was the best available at the price point. They were surprised it costs less than half the price of the match balls they typically train and play with.
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank the players, coaches and staff at Manchester City Academy for facilitating our Test Lab and providing invaluable feedback about the new PRO range. We’re even more thankful that the coaches liked the range so much that they are now integrating it into their sessions.
If you are interested in having the Test Lab Team visit your club or academy to try out the new PRO Range or any other Football Flick equipment, we are now offering this throughout the UK. Please just get in touch and tell us the name of your club and we will get back to you – email

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